Nurse's Office

Here you will find information about our clinic services. You will find downloadable forms and information pages as needed by our students. 

Below you will find info regarding student contact information, immunization requirements, guidelines for keeping students at home when ill, and other important information regarding your student's health while here at Mumford.  

If you have any questions, please contact our nurse directly at her email

Contact Information

It is extremely necessary that you update your student’s contact information each year and any time there is a change. If your student is sick, injured, or has a medical emergency, we need to be able to reach you immediately.

It is very important that we have a completed Health History Form from you. It is also important for the school and nurse to know if your student has significant health history, life threatening allergies, needs medication at school, or has special medical concerns.

If your child has a life-threatening condition, an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) must be provided by the child’s Healthcare Provider/Doctor. This includes, and is not limited to, ASTHMA, DIABETES, SEIZURES, AND ALLERGY WITH EPIPEN.

Individualized Healthcare Plans (IHP) will also need to be completed for

If your student has more than one diagnosis, you will need to complete forms for each diagnosis. Please complete and turn in the appropriate forms for your student to the nurse’s office by the first day of school.

Immunization Requirements

All students must meet state immunization requirements in order to attend
school. If your student needs an immunization prior to the start of the new school
year, please have them updated during the summer break. Updated shot records
must be turned in to the nurse’s office by September 1. Please check with your
child’s primary doctor regarding needed immunizations.

If a student has an exemption for required immunizations for religious/medical reasons the parent must submit an original (notarized) affidavit of exemption to the school clinic by September 1.

Guidelines for Keeping Students Home from School

Children are in close contact with one another at school. To help us prevent the spread of illness to other children please keep your sick child home.

Please keep your child home if your child has:
• temperature 100.0 F or greater
• vomiting
• diarrhea
• runny nose with green drainage
• an unidentified/suspicious skin rash, abscess/boil, or open/draining wound
• Pink eye
• Live lice

Students are not permitted in school until they have been 24 hours free of: Fever, Vomiting, Diarrhea (with out the use of symptom reducing medications).

Students are not permitted in school until they have been on an antibiotic for 24 hours for: Strep Throat, Impetigo (skin infection), Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye).

Hearing, Vision, & Scoliosis Screenings

As required by Texas law, Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Third, Fifth, Seventh, and all newly enrolled students will be screened for vision and hearing problems. Spinal Screens will be done for Fifth and Seventh grade girls, Eighth grade boys
and newly enrolled students (of age or older). These screenings will take place during the Fall semester. Parents will receive results of the screening only if professional follow up is needed. 

If the parent chooses for the student to not participate in the screening , the student must provide a written statement from his/her physician giving the school the result of the physician’s finding for that school year.

If, for religious/medical reasons, the student does not wish to be screened, the student is to submit an original affidavit of exemption, notarized, to the
school clinic by September 1.

Taking Medicine at School

If your student takes daily morning medication, it is recommended that your student take these medications at home (prior to arrival to school). A Medication Permission Form is required for each individual medication given at school. Any changes to dosing, missed doses, or time of doses must be communicated in written form. Verbal consent will not be accepted.

EPIPENS and INHALERS: If a student is permitted by the parent/guardian and the Licensed Healthcare Provider(LHP)/Doctor to “self-carry” or “self-administer” their EpiPen or Inhaler, this should be indicated on the student’s Emergency Action Plan by the LHP/Doctor. The student and parent will also be required to complete the Self Carry Contract for  EpiPen or Inhaler.

All Required Forms for Medication Administration at school must be completed and return to the Nurse Clinic when medication is checked in, and/or by the first day of school.

Please make a note of the following guidelines as given by our Nurse:
• All Medication (Prescription or Over the Counter) must be in the original container.
Please check expiration dates. School personnel are not allowed to give expired medications.
 The school DOES NOT provide any medications, including ointments, creams, pain relievers, eye drops, cough drops, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Pepto-Bismol, etc. Any medication given at school must be provided by the parent/guardian.
Any changes to dosing, missed morning dose at home, or time medication is to be given, must be communicated in written form/consent. Verbal consent will not be accepted.
Signatures from a parent/guardian are REQUIRED for ANY medication given at school. This includes prescription and Over the Counter medications.
Do not send medications to school with your child. Medications must be checked in to the nurse by a parent/guardian.
 All medication must be picked up by a parent/guardian, by the last day of school. Medications not picked up by the end of day on the last day of school will be discarded/destroyed. No exceptions.
If your student will be taking summer school and require medication, new/updated permission forms will be required.
 Each student must have his/her own medication (prescription, over the counter) in its original packaging. Siblings may NOT share medication.


If your child has severe allergies, they may have their Epipen and any over the counter medication to treat allergic reactions at school. Please complete the Parent Questionnaire and Allergy Action Plan so that we know the treatment plan your doctor has prescribed


If your child has asthma, we encourage parents to have their child’s inhaler and/or nebulizer at school. It is very important that ALL children with asthma have an inhaler available to use in case of emergencies. Please complete the Asthma Action Plan and Parent Questionnaire so that we know the treatment plan your doctor has prescribed.


If your child has been diagnosed with diabetes, they may keep their diabetic medications and supplies in the nurses office. Please complete the Diabetes Management and Treatment Plan, and the Diabetes Authorization for Administration of Management and Care so that we know the treatment plan your doctor has prescribed.

Diabetes Management Plan                       


If your child has been diagnosed with seizures, please complete the Seizure Action Plan and the Parent Questionnaire. Any mediation the student requires can be kept in the nurses office.

Flu Information

Contrary to popular belief, the influenza season often lasts until mid-May. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) annually reports increasing influenza activity across the country during this period. Because the flu can have a significant impact on an educational setting, it is crucial that parents have access to flu information and resources year round. Even though most children infected with influenza recover with little to no complications, some cases result in hospitalization and sometimes even death. No child should suffer like this: please parents, get the flu shot for your children and for yourselves.
If you would like to read more information about this, the Texas Dept. of Health Services has a great website dedicated and you can reach it by clicking the button on the right. 

Bacterial Meningitis

Please click on the button to read some important information about what our state has done to help with this.

Por favor, estudiantes y padres  lean esta informacion importante sobre esta enfermedad en el enlace a la izquierda. 

Individualized Healthcare Plans

Whenever appropriate, the IHP templates listed here must be completed by parents and returned to the Nurse by September 1.


Mumford ISD is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer and will never discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, religion, gender, age, disability or genetic information. Click HERE for our full policy.  Mumford ISD does not discriminate on the basis of gender, age, race, nationality, religion, disability, socioeconomic standing or non-proficiency in English language skills in providing educational services for students' benefits.

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Mumford ISD es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades de empleo y nunca discriminará por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, religión, sexo, edad, discapacidad o información genética. Haga click AQUI para ver nuestra politica completa. Mumford ISD no discrimina por motivos de género, edad, raza, nacionalidad, religión, discapacidad, posición socioeconómica o falta de dominio del idioma inglés al proporcionar servicios educativos para los beneficios de los estudiantes.