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Home Bulletin

September 9, 2024

Important News

Mumford’s Safety and Security Protocols: Mumford ISD is continuing to provide a safe and secure environment for our students to learn and grow. Over the summer we have built perimeter fencing that will help secure our walking areas for students during the day, and help keep all visitors from entering any area other than the main office. Also, we will continue to use the Raptor system to check in all visitors. This program scans drivers licenses to verify identities and check sex offender registries. While parents may eat lunch with their child, this access is also limited. We ask that parents only request to eat with their child for special, limited occasions and the office must be notified ahead of time and permission received prior to planning lunch Thanks for your support with these changes to our school and for all you do to help make Mumford ISD a great (and SAFE) place for children to learn.

Six Weeks Tests: Our first six weeks tests are coming up for grades 2-12; tests will take place Wednesday, Sept. 18 - Friday, Sept. 20. Please be sure that your child is studying for these tests. Check with assignments sheets and teachers to know which test will take place on what day. These tests count as 2 test grades on your child’s 6 weeks grade.

HS Students Brazos Valley College Night – Attend the Brazos Valley College Night & Financial Aid Seminar: On Monday, September 23, from 6 -8 pm at the Texas A&M RELLIS Campus in Bryan all of our high school students and parents are invited to the Career and College Night! Over 70 different colleges and universities will be available to meet with students and parents to discuss options for after high school, including military and financial aid representatives. There will be lots of information given out and it is a great opportunity for our students. Please make it a priority to attend, especially our juniors and seniors! 

Sports News

Volleyball Games: Our JV girls VB team hosted the Mumford Tourney this past weekend. The girls went 2 – 2 and finished 2nd in the Silver Brackett. Congrats girls! JH and HS volleyball season are underway; the girls need your support during their upcoming games. Please come out:
• Monday, Sept. 9: JH B/A Vs. Hearne (away) @ 5:00
• Tuesday, Sept. 10: HS JV/Varsity vs. Round Top Carmine (HERE) @ 4:30
• Friday, Sept. 13: HS V/ JV vs. Latexo (HERE) @ 4:30
• Monday, Sept 16: JH C/B/A vs. Centerville (away) @ 4:30  

Cross Country Meet: We will have our next Cross-Country Meet on Saturday, September 14, in Lexington @ 8:00 am for the JH and HS teams. The following weekend, the teams will be going to the Cameron Meet. Come on out and cheer on our teams!

More Important News

Parent Learning Series: Parents, there is a FREE online learning experience available for you about Social Media and the “Do’s and Don’t’s” associated with different social media platforms and your child. This event will be held on September 26 from 6 pm – 7pm and it is ONLINE! This is a great resource for parents to hear and find out more about how to keep their child safe from unwanted harms of social media. Many times, parents do not know all that their children have access to and this will help keep you informed. Register at

Mumford School Fundraiser Kick Off: We will be having our Fall Fundraiser Kick off tomorrow, Tuesday, September 10. The kickoff will be for grades PK – 5, however ALL grades participate in the fundraiser. This fundraiser kick-off will be presented in the HS gym. Grades PK – 1 will start at 2:00 and grades 2 – 5 will have their kick-off at 2:35. We are excited about this year’s fundraiser and the fun prizes that students will be eligible to be awarded! We want this year to be the most successful ever! So, we ask everyone to help out and get out there and sell, sell, sell! We do suggest that students utilize the online portion of the fundraiser so that you limit going door to door for your safety. Also, while there is a cash donation option on the fundraiser form, we ask that if someone wants to donate money to give their checks, cash, etc. directly to the school. When money donations are made through the fundraising company a portion of the amount is kept by the company. Once again, we look forward to tomorrow kick-off and to a successful fundraiser!

Welcome Back Dances and Fun Night: Come out and have some fun! There will be lots of games and fun at the dances, as well as concessions! Admission for all dances is $5.00 and they will be held in the Mustang Room. These dances are open only to Mumford Students. There is no pre-pay admission, all admission will be taken at the door.
Grades 6 - 8: On Wednesday, Sept. 11, from 3:30 - 5:00 we will have the Welcome Back Dance for these grades. Only students in grades 6 – 8 may attend and only Mumford students.
Grades 3 - 5: Thursday, Sept. 12, from 3:30 - 5:00. Only Mumford students in grades 3 -5 will be allowed to attend.   

4-H Meeting: The first Mumford 4-H meeting will be Thursday, Sept. 12, at 5:00. The meeting will take place at the Mumford Primary Cafeteria. 4-H membership is open to all students in grades 3 and up, please attend to join! 


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Mumford ISD es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades de empleo y nunca discriminará por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, religión, sexo, edad, discapacidad o información genética. Haga click AQUI para ver nuestra politica completa. Mumford ISD no discrimina por motivos de género, edad, raza, nacionalidad, religión, discapacidad, posición socioeconómica o falta de dominio del idioma inglés al proporcionar servicios educativos para los beneficios de los estudiantes.