Fiscal Information

Debt Reporting

The 84th Legislature passed HB 1378 to increase the transparency of local government debt. Under Local Government Code 140.008, political subdivisions, including counties, cities, school districts, junior college districts, special purpose districts, and other subdivisions of state government must annually compile their debt obligation data from the preceding fiscal year and post to their website:


Summary Budget Reports

Tax Rate Worksheets

Fiscal Year 2021

FIRST Rating

As required by state mandates, here are our 2020-2021 Financial Integrity Rating System scores.
You can access our 2019-2020 scores here.


Mumford ISD is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer and will never discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, religion, gender, age, disability or genetic information. Click HERE for our full policy.  Mumford ISD does not discriminate on the basis of gender, age, race, nationality, religion, disability, socioeconomic standing or non-proficiency in English language skills in providing educational services for students' benefits.

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Mumford ISD es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades de empleo y nunca discriminará por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, religión, sexo, edad, discapacidad o información genética. Haga click AQUI para ver nuestra politica completa. Mumford ISD no discrimina por motivos de género, edad, raza, nacionalidad, religión, discapacidad, posición socioeconómica o falta de dominio del idioma inglés al proporcionar servicios educativos para los beneficios de los estudiantes.